• Kun Ika Nur Rahayu
  • Nilwan Arfiansah
  • Arif Nurma Etika


The development of children’s language ability is strongly influenced by the socio economic climate of the family. Parents can meet the nutritional  needs to children who affect to improve language skills in children. At the beginning of the survey, 6 optained from from 10 responden delayed language development, or 60% of the respondents have delayed language development, and 60% belong to the social economic, so when the parents came home from work had not thought about the education of children and assume the child is getting a good education from child care service in children in foundations of education Ar-Ridwan Kediri city at 2014s.  Device which was used analytic of correlation with design research of cross sectional. Sample counted 30 respondents. Sampling technique used Total Sampling.  Idependent  variable was Socio economic and dependent variable was The Development of language. Result of research obtained that in foundations of education Ar-Ridwan Kediri city at 2014 more than respondent (43,3%) with pre prosperous family has there may be deviation speaking at toddler age children as 13 responden. The result of korelation spearman with α=0,05 coefisien correlation was significan 0,847 and p–value 0,000 where p < 0,05 (α), so that H0 refused and H1  accepted. There is a strong relationship between socio economic with toddler language development in children in foundations of education Ar-Ridwan Kediri city at 2014. Pursuant to result of research this study can be used to information about minimize the occurrence of irregularities of the development of language in children by giving them the support of the family.

How to Cite
NUR RAHAYU, Kun Ika; ARFIANSAH, Nilwan; ETIKA, Arif Nurma. SOSIAL EKONOMI TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA PADA ANAK USIA TODDLER. Java Health Jounal, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 142 - 149, nov. 2014. ISSN 2622-9390. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 apr. 2024.